
Find out more news about our lab @jianyuvli on Twitter

2024.10.08 Jianyu gave an invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering in Toronto. 

2024.10.04 Congratulations to Justin for winning the 2023-2024 Best Seminar Award of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

2024.09.08 Congratulations to Shiyu, Aram, and all coauthors on the accepted paper by JMPS

2024.06.28 Congratulations to Xuan and all coauthors on their paper accepted by ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

2024.06.25 Advanced Functional Materials accept Ran's and Zhenwei's paper on printable adhesives! 

2024.05.31 We celebrated the graduation of Zhen, Shiyu, Ran, Alex, Louis, and Mary, as well as the recognition of our research excellence from McGill's President. 

2024.05.23 Jianyu visited ETH Zurich and gave a talk in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering. 

2024.05.01 Congratulations to Tianqin on winning the FRQNT scholarship.

2024.04.10 We succeed in securing additional funding from NSERC Discovery Grant and NSERC-FRQNT NOVA Grant. 

2024.04.8 Congratulations to Shiyu on successfully defending his PhD thesis on blood clot fracture. Cheers! 

2024.03.21 Our new work on engineering surgical sutures is released online by Advanced Materials Technologies

2024.03.14 Congratulations to Xuan Li on defending her PhD thesis successfully!

2024.03.13 Jianyu received Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. 

2024.03.06 Congratulations to Zhenwei and all coauthors on the paper accepted by Advanced Materials Technology. 

2024.02.26 Congratulations to Ran Huo on the success of defending his PhD thesis. Cheers, Dr. Huo!

2024.02.20 Congratulations to Alex and Mary for getting admitted to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and MIT, respectively.

2024.02 Jianyu is visiting Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for a sabbatical under the support of the International Excellence Fellowship. 

2023.12.18 We got together to celebrate the end of the year and the graduation of our own Alex, Zhen, and Louis. 

2023.11.24 We welcome our own Dr. Zhen Yang after he succeeded in his Ph.D. defense. 

2023.10.31 Group meeting for welcoming Michelle, the progress of Yixun and Xuan, and group photo. 

2023.08.21 Congratulate Zhen and all co-authors on the accepted manuscript by PNAS! 

2023.08.17 We had a great group outing at the beautiful Mont Tremblant. 

2023.08.15 Jianyu gave an invited talk at the 2023 Fall ASC meeting held in San Francisco.  

2023.07.25 Jianyu gave an invited talk at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference: Science of Adhesion, where Tianqin and Shuaibing both attended and presented posters for their exciting projects.  

2023.06.15 Jianyu gave a keynote at the 2023 ACS Northeast Regional Meeting in Boston

2023.04.26 Glad to win our 2nd NFRF-Exploration Award to develop new living engineered materials for wound management. 

2023.03.31 Our papers are recognized as the Top Downloaded Papers in the year of 2021 by Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Science

2023.03.06 Welcome Dr. Malvika Nagrath and Ting Wang for joining our lab as a postdoctoral associate and a visiting doctoral student. 

2023.02.13  Check out the coverage of our work in Nature Communications by ASME. 

2023.02.14  Congratulations to Xuan and all co-authors for the acceptance of their paper by Materials Horizons

2023.01.27 Congratulations to Ran on the acceptance of his paper by Advanced Functional Materials

2023.02.08 Our team of ClickClot won the William and Rhea Seath Award in Engineering Innovation from the Faculty of Engineering. 

2023.01.17 We are glad to win a Develop Stage fund from McGill Innovation Funds to help commercialize our bioadhesive technologies. 

2022.10.30 Check out the interview with Dr. Jianyu Li in Chinese for BEaTS Research Radio

2022.10.25 Dr. Jianyu Li is listed among the World's Top 2% of Scientists by Elsevier BV, Stanford University, USA. 

2022.10.14 Ruiqi's and Guangyu's paper on biocompatible multifunctional nanoparticles is released in Materials Today Advances

2022.09.25  Huge congratulations to Guangyu for winning the 2022 Baxter Young Investigator Award (Top tier).

2022.08.26 Congratulations to Guangyu and all coauthors on their paper released in Nature Communications

2022.08.11 Our paper on ultrasound mediated bioadhesion is released in Science

2022.07.26 Glad that Guangyu's paper in Materials Horiszons is featured in a Materials Horizons, Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances Editor’s Choice Collection on Tissue Engineering.

2022.07.20  Congratulations to our Zhenwei, Guangyu, Binbin and Shengyun for winning the prestigious Chinese Government Awards for Outstanding Self-Finance Students Abroad! They are among the only 12 winners from Quebec and New Brunswick in 2022. 

2022.06.02  Our team collects scholarships from Fonds de Recherche du Québec. Congratulations to Guangyu and Farshid for the Postdoctoral Scholarships, to Shuaibing, Xuan, Aram and Zhen for the Doctoral Scholarships. 

2022.05.28  Congratulations to Guangyu Bao for winning the first place of oral presentations at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterial Society. 

2022.05 Congratulations to Stephanie Lamer (of Dr. Marie-lyne Nault), Zhenwei Ma, and all for winning the Best presentation of the day from the University of Montreal Orthopedic Division. 

2022.05.19 Dr. Jianyu Li was invited and gave a webinar, part of External Innovation Speaker's Series, for Johnson & Johnson

2022.05.06 Jianyu gave a talk for the Hands-On Workshop in 3D-Printing & Microfluids for Bioengineering held by Prof. David Juncker in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University.

2022.04.05 Congratulations to Dr. Zhenwei Ma. He has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis and impressed the committee with nice works. 

2022.03.29 Congratulations to Dr. Guangyu Bao, who has accomplished lots of great works in my and Prof. Luc Mongeau's groups, and succeeded in his Ph.D. defense! 

2022.03.22 Congratulations to Guangyu and Shuaibing for winning the Legacy Travel Awards from the Canadian Biomaterials Society. 

2022.02.25 Congratulations to Zhenwei for winning the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award from the Adhesion Society. 

2022.02.02 Our lab wins a second CIHR project grant to explore next-generation hemostatic technologies. Our proposal was ranked 1st out of 53 proposals by the Committee of Biomedical Engineering in the 2021 Fall competition of CIHR project grants. 

2022.01.20 Congratulations to Farshid and Shiyu on their newly accepted paper in the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, reporting for the first time that blood clots behave poroviscoelastically

2021.12.18  Check out our collaborative paper, just released in Advanced NanoBiomed Research, with Prof. Li-Jessen at McGill, reporting the immunological perspectives on biomaterials and vocal fold regeneration.

2021.12.09 Congratulations to Zhenwei on winning the Prix Relève étoile Louis-Berlinguet du FRQNT. So happy that our group member collects this award again. Our first recipient was Guangyu Bao in 2020. Hope we could keep this pace!

2021.12.06  Our work in Advanced Science is highlighted by the CBC’s Quirks & Quarks, one of the top science news outlets in Canada.

2021.11 Jianyu gave two invited talks virtually for Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research of McMaster University and the Alberta Student Chapter of Canadian Biomaterials Society

2021.09.10 Congratulate Guangyu on his paper accepted by Advanced Science. Our joint paper on tendon repair with Prof. David Mooney's group at Harvard is accepted by Nature Biomedical Engineering.  

2021.09.09 Congratulate Zhenwei on receiving the Baxter Young Investigator Award (Tier 2). 

2021.07.15  Our paper is recognized with the Outstanding Article 2020 Award from Materials Horizons

2021.07.08  Jianyu was invited and provided a keynote at the U of T Engineering Research Conference. 

2021.06.01  Welcome Yiyang Mu, Sum Lau, and Alex Nguyen to joining our lab for the undergraduate summer research. 

Below is our latest group photo via ZOOM. Cheers!

2021.05.11 Jianyu was invited and gave talks at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCSD and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA. 

2021.05.06 Congratulations to Zhenwei Ma and Guangyu Bao for winning the CBS Visiting Scholar Awards. 

2021.05.01 Congratulations to Ran Huo and Shengyun Huang for winning the FRQNT scholarships for the graduate study and postdoctoral research, respectively. 

2021.04.20  Jianyu received Christophe Pierre Research Excellence Awards (Early Career) in 2021 from the Faculty of Engineering at McGill. 

2021.02.16 Congratulations to Zhen Yang and Zhenwei Ma on their accepted papers to Mechanics of Materials and Science Advances, respectively. 

2021.01.11 Congratulations to Shiyu Liu for passing the preliminary exams. Well done! 

2021.01.10 Welcome Zhengmu Wang and Louis-Jacques Bourdages to joining the lab. 

2021.01.08 Xiang's and Zhen's article on the scaling behavior of adhesive hydrogels was accepted by ACS Macro Letters, a leading journal in the field of polymer science and engineering. 

2020.12.16 Jianyu Li is awarded with Canada Research Chair in Biomaterials and Musculoskeletal Health! 

2020.12.29 Our collaborative project on bioprinting for vocal fold repair, led by Prof. Luc Mongeau and joined by other colleagues in Canada and the US, has won the support from RO1 grant of the National Institutes of Health of the US. Cheers! 

2020.12.15 Congratulations to Xuan Li  for Zhen Yang for passing the preliminary exams with receiving positive feedback from the committee members. Cheers!

2020.11.20 Congratulations to Guangyu Bao for receiving the prestigious Relève étoile award from FRQNT, which is to recognize the excellence of the research carried out by students.

2020.06.15 Welcome a new postdoctoeral associate Farshid Ghezelbash to McGill and our lab! 

2020.06.10 Our lab receives FRQNT Team Grant to develop next-generation smart surgical sutures. 

2020.06.08 Our lab has been reopened although the lab capacity is limited. Go for experiment! 

2020.06.05 Congratulations to Ran for receiving the CSME Gold Medal. Ran is the only gold medal winner from McGill University. 

2020.06.01 Welcome Kieran Guinan with NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award to conduct SURE project in our lab. 

2019.01.01 Welcome Ran Huo, Yin Liu and Shuaibing Jiang to McGill and our lab! 

2019.12.15 Jianyu is listed in 2019 Innovators Under 35 China by MIT Technology Review

2019.11.20 Our work on active wound dressing is highlighted in the prestigious medical journal JAMA.

2019.11.12 Jianyu gave a presentation on fatigue of tissue adhesives at International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME-IMECE) in Salt Lake City. 

2019.10.18 Zhenwei and Jianyu attended the Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society at Philadelphia where Zhenwei gave an oral presentation and Jianyu chaired a section on Hydrogels. 

2019.09.01 Congratulations to Ran Huo on winning the SURE Prize of the Faculty of Engineering (8 out of ~120 projects) in 2019. 

2019.08.26 Welcome Shiyu Liu, Zhen Yang and Xuan Li to McGill and our lab! 

2019.07.24 Our collaborative work with Harvard Wyss Institute on Bioinspired active wound dressings receives extensive media coverage. Check out some news reports below. 

-- Science: This embryo-inspired bandage is 17 times stickier than a Band-Aid 

-- McGill News: Time heals all wounds, but this adhesive can help 

-- La Presse: Un pansement gélatineux pour refermer les plaies

-- Medical News: Active adhesive dressings can close wounds faster than other methods

-- Physics World: Hydrogel sticky plaster speeds up wound repair

2019.07.10 Our lab wins financial supports from CIHR Project Grants to develop new therapies for IVD repair and regeneration. 

2019.07.02 Jianyu visited and gave invited a talk at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Montreal. 

2019.06 Jianyu visited and gave invited talks at the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering in Zhejiang University and at the Department of Bioengineering in the University of Tokyo.

2019.05 Jianyu won funding from the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) to explore new hemostatic technologies. See the news from McGill:

2019.05.10 Our work on hydrogel adhesives is chosen and exhibited by Cooper Hewitt Design Museum in New York in an exhibition "Nature—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial”.

2019.05.07 Our paper on bioinspired wound dressings is accepted by Science Advances

2019.05.06  Jianyu won a grant from FRQNT Établissement de la relève professorale program for new university researchers. 

2019.05.06 Congratulations to Zhenwei on receiving the competitive FRQNT doctoral research scholarship

2019.05.01 Welcome Ran Huo to join our lab for Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) program. 

2019.04.08 Our US patent on biomedical adhesives has been approved and released: Biocompatible adhesives and methods of use thereof.  

2019.02.19 Jianyu gave a Keynote presentation in the Annual Meeting of the Society of Adhesion. 

2018.09.01 Zhenwei joined as a PhD student. David-Michael and Xiang joined as master students. 

2018.06.20 We obtained funding supports from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for our research and laboratory establishment. 

2018.06.15  Jianyu gave invited talks in Xiamen University, Beihang University and the 4th International Workshop on Soft Machines and Mechanics in Xi'An, China. 

2018.03.13  Advanced Healthcare Materials rank our paper as one of the most-read paper in the month of February 2018, and highlights it on Advanced Science News

2018.03.01   Nature INDEX has listed our paper entitled "Tough adhesives for diverse wet surfaces" one of the top FIVE papers with highest impact from McGill University in 2017. 

2018.02.22   Jianyu has been appointed as the associate member of Biomedical Engineering Department at McGill University. 

2018.02.21  Our paper entitled "Dynamic air/liquid pockets for guiding microscale flow" is released on Nature Communications

2018.02.01   Our work is highlighted in the list of 2017 Discover TOP 100 by Discover Magazine.