Our lab
Our lab is located in Rooms 356 and 357 of Macdonald Engineering Building (817 Sherbrooke Street West, Montréal, QC H3A 0C3), where houses a fume hood, a biosafety hood, refrigerators, freezers, glove box, etc. The office of Prof. Li is Room 159, and most of students are in Room 352 in the same building. The equipment in our lab include:
Biomechanical testing system: Instron (Model 5965) equipped with biobath, temperature control module, load cells (10N and 1000N) and accessories for tension, compression and peeling tests.
Freeze dryer system: Labconco benchtop freeze dryer Freezone, vacuum pump and accessories.
UV crosslinking chamber: 254nm UV crosslinker with adjustable height (Boekel).
High-speed centrifuge: Eppendorf multipurpose centrifuge (5810 R).
Ultrasonic processor: VWR ultrasonic homogenizer (200 W).
UV light sources: Omnicure Model S2000 (320-500 nm), OAI Model 30 UV Light Source (220-450 nm), radiometer and lightguide for in-situ rheology.
Microscopes: Optical and fluorescence microscopes.
Plasma reactor: Harrick Plasma PDC-001 reactor.
Plate reader: SynergyHTX multi-mode microplate reader.
Laser cutter: Universal Laser systems.
3D printers: Anycubic 3D printer, and BioAssemblyBot Robotic Arm Printer.
Furnace: VWR Symphony.
Please contact Prof. Jianyu Li for access and training.